Cats & Babies: The Epic

How do these cats know they have to be gentle with human babies, and make allowances for them? What is it about a cat that so delights a baby? Too bad we can’t ask either one of them. Well, we could, but what’s the point?

2 comments on “Cats & Babies: The Epic

  1. they are cute alright, but it still gives me the willies to see this. Maybe I was over protective with my babies, but then, seeing how ruggedly they have turned out, it couldn’t have hurt them any. Both of them are known as tough, “men’s men”.

  2. “How do these cats know they have to be gentle with human babies, and make allowances for them? What is it about a cat that so delights a baby?”

    Probably the same thing that makes a cat gentle with a 64 year old man and makes a 64 year old man delighted to have a feline companion. 🙂 It’s of Divine origin.

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