Bonus Video: Hedgehogs

For totally spiny little critters, these are awfully cute. They seem to get on well with cats–not that a cat could do much about it, if they didn’t.

Sorry, not posting much in the way of nooze today. I thought most of you would like hedgehogs better than the nooze.

8 comments on “Bonus Video: Hedgehogs

  1. They are sure cute. I’ve spent a bit of time with one and they are sweet little critters. Like all of God’s creatures, they are interesting and enjoyable to watch.

    1. Do they have naturally short lifespans, like mice? Some people (not you) wouldn’t believe how attached you can get to a mouse.

    2. In this case, I think it was a matter of not really knowing what a hedgehog needs. I’ve always felt like I could have done better by him.

      I’ve had hamsters and they are very endearing. I still remember hamsters from decades ago.

    3. From the little I’ve read, hedgehogs seem like they ought to make very good pets–although you do have to avoid chills. My apartment, for instance, wouldn’t be suitable–unreliable heating in the winter. One reason why I don’t have lizards anymore.

      Mice and rats and hamsters–it’d be great if they had longer lives. Although they might wind up smarter than us in ten years or so.

    4. Hedgehogs need some preparation and a play area. They are nice critters, but they are not for everyone. I’d recommend that anyone considering one should do their homework ahead of time.

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