Reminder: We Do Have a Comment Contest

See the source image

G’day! Byron the Quokka here, reminding you that we have a comment contest going and there are prizes to be won. We’re shooting for Comment No. 65,000, with just under a thousand left to go. And the winner gets–

See the source image

A fly-back!

Or you can have an autographed copy of Lee’s book, His Mercy Endureth Forever. (It has giant hyenas in it!) Don’t bother asking for a bicycle. Believe me, I’ve tried.

All comments are eligible, with just these few exceptions: comments that are abusive to anybody on this site; comments that drop the f-bomb; commercials disguised as comments; and inane Far Left Crazy stuff . Other than that, anything goes.

And need I add that if we can get the viewership back up to where it was all year until July and now August came along, we’ll be saving my job?

6 comments on “Reminder: We Do Have a Comment Contest

  1. Lee, I wonder if the dropoff in comments is a result of people having their comments never show up, and their getting discouraged. It happened to me too. Is Word Press doing that?

    1. Oh, man, I don’t know! You’re one of several who’ve complained about this. Actually, the number of comments has remained pretty much the same: it’s the number of views that has crashed through the basement. My steady viewers are still here, but I have lost a huge chunk of my casual views–and I don’t know what to do about it.
      We fixed the problems, most of them, and made the whole site look nicer, and easier to read–and people left in droves. I’m at my wits end, trying to find some remedy.

    2. Well, if a better-looking website makes people go away, maybe getting a yuckier-looking website would bring them back. (Just kidding!) 🙂

      These are strange times, anyway. People are restless and flittering around more than usual. I myself may not be commenting much in the next day or two, partly because I’m a little under the weather — I mean in a health kind of way, not a hurricane kind of way — and partly because when I start feeling better I’ll be catching up on errands. But oh boy, would I love to have a paddle ball! I wonder how Iggy would react?

  2. Many people are on vacation July and August and staying off the internet is the best way to relax – for awhile. We’ll all be back soon i’m sure. A signed copy of anything written by Lee Duigon is always preferred.

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