Is This Blog Broken?

Wooden rowboat in warm evening light partly filled with water Stock Photo  by ©Hans_Chr 115063732

Recently Joe Scott and Mark Simone, two names much bigger than mine, publicly wondered why they seemed to be losing so many readers and viewers lately.

Here at, this blog is making like a rowboat with a football-sized hole in the bottom. Except for New Year’s, I’ve lost at least 100 views a day so far this month. And of course all I get out of WordPress is “Nope, nothin’ wrong here.”

Was it something I said? Or didn’t say? Or have I got only a tiny piece of a problem now widespread across the social media? Maybe people are disgusted and just don’t want to hear anymore.

And maybe it’s just more of the happy hormads in Big Tech doing their thing of suppressing conservative blogs, helping SloJo with his mass censorship project.

Wish I knew what to do about it.

6 comments on “Is This Blog Broken?

  1. I have been wondering what is going on here for some time. The response thing changes for me several times a day. Sometimes, all I have to do is hit post and it does. most times it demands that I hit change and then sometimes the post appears,but not always. Then, if I revisit the same post, I see my reply but not always. I’ll see if this one appears. It is always a gamble.

  2. I think every blog is losing views; it seems what views I get has been driven by social media; its getting harder and harder to have views

    1. I’ve been flogging my brain, trying to figure out why that should be.
      I can believe it’s not just WordPress, but I wish they’d give me honest answers.

  3. I would say the WordPress, itself, contributes to the problem. It’s no reflection on you, but their quality has deteriorated precipitously over the years.

    Other than that, all I can say is look for the positives, the times that the side of decency wins, or at least stands up for themselves.

  4. We need a thoroughly Christian version of WordPress – that’s what Rushdoony called Christian Reconstruction. Read Rushdoony!

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