Dems: The Party of ‘No Religion’

William Jennings Bryan–if he were alive today, they’d kick him out of the Democrat Party.

Not enough attention has been paid to this news story.

Did you know that, according to the Pew Research Center, the most numerous religious affiliation within the Democrat Party is “No Religion” at all? ( ).

Pew defined “No Religion” as atheists, agnostics, and drips who describe themselves as merely “spiritual.” So this “No Religion” group accounts for 28% of Democrats. Roman Catholics are the runners-up with 21%.

I don’t know why I’m surprised. After all, this is the party that booed God at its national convention, that’s head-over-heels in love with abortion, and enthusiastically allied to Organized Sodomy. But still–well, Al Smith or William Jennings Bryan would certainly be unable to understand what came over their beloved Democratic Party.

So, the next time some self-righteous individual proclaims to you that “there’s no difference” between the two national parties, please treat them to this information. The Republican rank-and-file are overwhelmingly Christian, even if their party’s leaders are skunks and weasels.

Meanwhile, I’m gonna sit here and shake my head.

How did it ever come to this?