When Leaders Talk Hogwash

Benedict XVI | Biography, Resignation, Legacy, & Facts | Britannica

Wave goodbye to rationality

I don’t like it when leaders who are supposed to be responsible, and whom I want to respect, talk hogwash. So these remarks by retired Pope Benedict XVI shocked me (https://www.christianpost.com/news/pope-benedict-xvi-calls-biden-a-practicing-catholic.html).

Benedict said of “president” Joe Biden, “It’s true, he is a practicing Catholic. And he is personally against abortion.” [Good grief.] “But as president, he tends–” tends?–“to present himself in continuity with the platform of the Democratic Party.” Which calls abortion “reproductive health” and invokes “the right to choose.”

I get an impression of someone trying to tiptoe through a mine field and still managing to set off every one of them.

A president is supposed to be a leader; but apparently where abortion is concerned, this president is content to be a follower. And what’s it worth, that he’s “personally against abortion,” if as president he continues to promote it?

This is every bit as irrational and loopy as the so-called “conservative commentators” who are supporting Bruce “Caitlyn” Jenner’s run for governor of California. It takes one’s breath away.

I mean, really! What kind of pope thinks it’s okay to be “personally against abortion”–as if it were anything but a gross violation of Catholic teaching–even while you aid and abet the abortionists every chance you get? It’s like being “personally against bank robbery” but you drive the getaway car.

Is that truly too hard for Benedict to figure out?

No wonder our culture is floundering.