D.C. ‘Please Don’t Kill People’ Campaign Isn’t Working

I know, I know–I was going to lay off nooze today. But this is just too asinine to let pass.

Like every other Democrat city you can think of, Washington, D.C., has an ever-mounting crime problem. That’s because they’ve reduced penalties and turned a lot of criminals loose to prey on normal people, if they can find any.

Well, they needed a solution to the problem of all those people getting shot and stabbed (203 homicides last year)… and so naturally they hit upon a plan, a sure-fire plan to tamp down the murder rate.

Posters. Put up posters all over the city asking people not to kill each other ( https://townhall.com/tipsheet/spencerbrown/2023/01/12/dcs-new-violence-reduction-plan-posters-telling-people-not-to-kill-others-n2618213). They’ve even gone so far as to quote the Bible: “Thou shalt not kill.” Haven’t they said all along that the Bible is pooh-bah and they’re too smart to believe in it?

It used to be just a rhetorical flourish to say “Democrats like crime and criminals.” Now it’s become a statement of demonstrable fact. They really do coddle criminals: their policies say so.

And now they fall back on the Bible, after bashing and mocking it every day for years and years? Maybe they think “Thou shalt not kill” is the only thing the Bible got right.

But even that would be one more thing than they’ve gotten right.