Down with… George Washington?

Image result for images of george washington leading troops

What can be said for a nation that hates its own history and wants to erase it? “R.I.P.”?

Students at George Washington University have gotten up a petition to replace the school’s old “Colonials” mascot–it’s someone dressed up as a kind of George Washington caricature–because, says the lump of protoplasm who started the petition, “It’s hard to have school pride when the thing that you have to be prideful for is so offensive” ( The offensive thing being “colonialism.”

The record shows that America, once upon a time, was 13 British colonies. Then, with George Washington leading an army of volunteers, America fought Britain and became colonies no more, but an independent nation. How in the world does this make Washington a “colonialist,” when he successfully fought the colonial power in his country?

They want to replace the Colonial mascot with a hippo. Go figure.

Next–it’s inevitable–they’ll want to change the name of the university. To what, I think I’d rather not know.

Washington was justly called “the father of his country.” When he stepped down after two terms as our first president, instead of making himself a king or a president for life, as so many wanted him to do, he set an example whose power greatly helped to keep the United States of America a free republic for over 200 years.

It’s something the Left in America labors to destroy. And our colleges and looniversities enthusiastically are helping them to do it.

People, why, in Heaven’s name, and at numbingly great cost, do you continue to send your sons and daughters to these indoctrination factories?

Our public education system, the costliest in human history, is killing us.