A Slogan for Our Future

Someone is spying at you or listening to you | Foglightpi

They’re protecting us! (Honk if you believe it.)

You might’ve been busy with Christmas and missed this story. Well, every now and then a politician lets a truth slip out and suddenly you get a glimpse of what’s behind the curtain.

New York City’s mayor, Eric Adams, spoke these words a few days ago:

“Big Brother is protecting you.”

Set ’em up in neon letters ten feet high, on top of the highest hill you can find. Then you can try to find out who’s protecting you from Big Brother.

Adams made the remark in response to critics who didn’t like his plans for more surveillance of the public–which he, of course, presents as a solution to the city’s ever-increasing crime rate. Hey, honest, we’ll protect you plebs! Just take away all those silly restraints you’ve placed on our power! Give us the cameras, give us the facial recognition technology! It’ll help us catch the bad guys–

Which the Democrat prosecutor will refuse to prosecute and whom the cops will release without bail an hour or two after the arrest! And meanwhile, how do we know Big Brother isn’t keeping some kind of database on each and every one of us?

Gee whiz… don’t you trust the government?

Not for a New York minute.