An Atheist Heard From

Hustling to get things done today, I was already in a touchy mood when an atheist reader checked in with his two cents’ worth. You can read his comments under my Feb. 19 post, “Atheists Got No Songs” ( ). It was a humorous little ditty, but this reader took a mild exception to it.

I must admit my first impulse was to Spam him out of the blog and hear no more from him, reveling, for once, in the reality that “you can’t beat the house.” I was angry, you see, when he referred to the gospel of Jesus Christ as “a nice little story.”

That was a temptation; but after I cooled off a little, I decided not to Spam him or delete his comments, but to answer again–not that I have any expectation he would listen. For the most part, the atheists I have dealt with–not all of them, but most of them–have a tremendous sense of entitlement which convinces them that they have a right, if you’re a Christian, to come into your cyber living room and pee on the furniture. This guy didn’t quite do that.

I doubt my evangelical gifts are up to the challenge of ministering to this atheist. I dunno–maybe if he listens to enough hymns, or reads enough of the Bible, something might click. I think it’s up to the Holy Ghost to do the clicking.

Did I handle this right? That’s another thing I don’t know.  I didn’t Spam the guy when I first had the chance. That doesn’t mean I deserve congratulations. If anything positive develops out of this–to God be the glory.