Don’t Compel the Jerks to Stand

Image result for images of kneeling football players

In our email today was an invitation to sign a petition to compel players and fans at football games to stand for the National Anthem. I will always stand for the National Anthem; but, believe it or not, I really don’t like the idea of forcing any other adult to do it.

The jerks in football kneel instead of stand because they want to “protest” what a no-good lousy country America is. They want to show contempt for my country–and, I suppose, theirs, too–fine. I can then show my contempt for their idiotic protest by not watching their idiotic game. Who wants to be nagged for three hours by a bunch of Far Left fat-heads in the ESPN broadcast booth, anyway?

Freedom of speech really must include the freedom not to speak. We have the Pentagon forcing military officers, under threat of the destruction of their careers, to “affirm” unholy same-sex parodies of marriage. Forcing people to say things that are repugnant to their consciences. This is not free speech. There’s something kind of Red China about it.

Maybe forcing these dolts to stand for the anthem might make them think, “Hey, this is what Christians feel like when they’re forced to say they approve of gay marriage!” But I think the chances of that happening approach zero, statistically.

Turning off the games sends a much clearer message that even a millionaire moron in shoulder pads ought to be able to understand.