More Climbit Chainge!

Sit here and you'll freeze your ass off! | North American ...

And it’s only a week till Easter?

Here in central New Jersey, just a week before Easter, we are freezing our nouns off. There’s been no heat in our building this weekend: couple that, yesterday, with a hard rain that was coming down too fast to freeze.

But still the freedom-eaters are out there babbling about global warming and Climbit Chainge, better pay higher taxes, give up your gas stoves, give up your cars… and you know we’ll take such good care of you! We can’t stop nuisance phone calls, but we sure as shinola can control the planet’s natural processes. And if you don’t believe it, we’ll toss you into prison!

It feels like winter here today. Old Man Winter forgot his hat and has come back to retrieve it.

Excuse me while I put on another layer of clothing.