The Nooze Went Thataway

Image result for images of man pointing in two directions at once

Your posse is chasing the robber, and you happen upon a witness. “Which way did he go?” you ask. And without hesitation, the witness replies, “He went thataway”–and points in two different directions.

Not much use, is it? But that’s the state of our nooze media today. For example:

In Headline A, socialist zillionaire George Soros says, “The Tide Has Turned Against Me” (

But in Headline B, Soros says, “The Tide Is Turning Back to Globalists” (

So which is it? Is everyone who wants to know what the story is supposed to call up Soros and ask him? And then you’d probably get a third answer, totally different from the other two!

If the news is not going to tell you what’s really going on, insofar as humanly possible, then what good is it?

Our country’s founders considered a free press indispensable to our republic. Citizens need accurate information upon which to base their decisions.

We’re not getting much of that, are we?