I’ve Lost This Day

Would you believe it? This is the first I’ve clapped eyes on this computer today. It’s quarter to 5 p.m. and I’ve only just gotten out of bed.

I was sick. Sinuses full of cement, pressing on my eyes and teeth, a bit of fever, lots and lots of nausea, nose running like a train… It descended on me last night, and I knew I was in for it.

These bouts generally start to go away after about 24 hours, so I expect to be back to normal tomorrow. I’ve had this at least half a dozen times, these past two years. Now that I’ve finally found a doctor I can trust, I’ll let her deal with it. Patty’s research–my symptoms are always in the same pattern, they never vary–indicates that this is an inheritable problem that can be controlled with special nose drops.

Anyway, so that was my day. Neither of those selfish cats came up to see how I was. And I’ve lost a whole day of blogging, just about–looks like my 100-views-a-day streak has come to an end. Nothing I can do about it.

For those who so very kindly said prayers for me today–well, here I am!

‘Why Didn’t You Write Anything Today?’

Because I’m sick, that’s why. My allergies are killing me: can’t breathe, nose won’t stop running.

But visit this blog anyhow. There’s all sorts of stuff in the Archives.

Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible.