City Asserts Man’s ‘Right’ to Spend Night in Women’s Shelter

Interior of Homeless Shelter : Stock Photo

If your town or city has anything like an “equal rights commission,” your town or city has too much money and needs its budget cut so that it can’t get into any more mischief like this.

The Anchorage Equal Rights Commission is trying to punish a women’s shelter for not allowing a drunken man, who insisted he is a woman, to sleep overnight in the shelter with the other women, many of whom are there to escape abuse and sexual assault: but at least they’ve dropped their charges against the shelter’s lawyer, who had the temerity to defend his client (

How much more of this do we have to take? How do you even talk to these deluded left-wing cretins?

Don’t bother trying to talk to them. Just shut them down.

This insanity has to stop.

And that’s all the news I can stand to cover today.