Warning Us Off Bonanza

Bonanza (TV Series 1959–1973) - IMDb

Now they don’t want us watching vintage TV westerns. Like Bonanza.

If you want to watch Bonanza on TVLand, first you get a bright blue screen with a warning on it:

This program contains outdated cultural depictions. Viewer discretion advised.

What? “Outdated cultural depictions”? You don’t say! Y’know, I thought there was somethin’ fishy about that show! Like, nobody had cars or cell phones. And I didn’t see one transgendered person!

Whose ridiculous idea was this? Like, maybe we might want some outdated cultural depictions, just to get out of the cultural septic tank we’re living in today. For just an hour we can pretend we’re somewhere else–a world where we aren’t perpetually nagged by imbeciles.

They don’t post warnings for shows whose contemporary cultural depictions include perversion, cruelty, and enough trash to turn the Grand Canyon into a landfill. They don’t advise viewer discretion for that.

The wokies want to reach into your living room and tell you what you can watch on TV. If they had their way, there’d be no freedom, ever, anywhere. No escape into the past. No acknowledgment that there ever even was a past. Nothing but the deadly, dreary, soul-annihilating mental landscape of their own Far Left spiritual abyss.

I pray I’ll be able to laugh at this someday, as some temporary buffoonery that has passed away forever.