Ask the Kiddies: ‘What’s Your Gender Identity?’

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Up in Canada, corralled by Far Left Crazy rulers, the Ottawa-Carleton school district plans to ask children about their “gender identity” and other personal matters–for the usual, er, “reasons”: stopping “bullying” and “racism,” blah-blah (

They’ll be asking kids a lot of questions about “belonging” and “feeling safe,” along with information about four-year-olds’ “sexual orientation.” It will help them teach “the importance of identity while also exploring its complexity.” And help fight Racism.

Uh-huh. You are not “you”: you are only the sum of your external characteristics that determine your “identity.” What identity politics tries to do is wipe out any sense of “you.” It’s one of the missions of public education.

Parents of children in grades Kindergarten to sixth may take the survey for their children. Older students will have to take it themselves. Because the survey has no legal basis, one can opt out of answering certain questions or even opt out of the whole business.

One airhead on the school board said the purpose of the survey is just “to get to know our students better.” When was the last time you got to know someone better by giving him or her a written survey?

Oh, but that’s Canada! That doesn’t happen here!

Actually, Canada is “here” to many readers on this site. And if it hasn’t happened here yet, you can be very sure it will happen sooner or later. Teacher unions won’t pass up the chance to do it to Americans.