In Case You Still Suspected that They Might Be Sane…

See the source image

The crop failed, but at least we’ve got gender equity in agriculture!

This is not satire.

Penn State University, where Jerry Sandusky practiced pedophilia for 15 years before they finally caught him in 2011, plans to offer a “gender fellow” thingy for doctoral students so they can “examine the relations between gender and agriculture” (


Supposedly, “promoting gender equity in agriculture” will someday, somehow, “alleviate global hunger and poverty.” Uh-huh.

As in, “Well, we couldn’t grow any food this year, but we sure got gender equity!”

And people are spending hard-earned money to send their kids to this madhouse?

Go ahead–tell me the loons who came up with this caper are in their right minds and know what they’re doing. Tell me it’s money well spent.

And I’ll tell you it’s time to cut off all public funding to the universities, and let them sink or swim in a free market.