Feds Want to Know if You’re Depressed

The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force has recommended mandatory screening for depression for all Americans ( https://psychiatricnews.wordpress.com/2016/02/08/homeeditorialsmandatory-depression-screening-is-a-depressing-thought-gold-silver-prices-gold-silver-prices-in-my-commentsfollowed-authorsfollowed-commentatorsmy-profilemy-alerts-po/ ).

All 300-plus million of us? Of course. Private insurance companies can be forced to pay for it. Pretty soon, no more private insurance companies.

Mandatory? Well, now, really–what’s the point of being in the government, if you can’t make your little crotchets mandatory for everyone?

And if they find out you’re depressed, why, there’s no telling what they’ll do to you! They will be limited only by the extent of their wicked imaginations.

You see what kind of people have your country’s fate in their hands.

Pray, repent, pray, repent: it may be God will hear, and heal our land. And we won’t have people like this running the show anymore.