Colorado Petition: ‘Hands Off Our Pets!’

George Washington: Founding Father—And Passionate Dog ...

How much would George Washington have had to pay for all his dogs?

Government just can’t resist butting into our lives.

In the face of public backlash, the Colorado legislature has “postponed indefinitely” a proposal to set up a statewide “pet registry” ( The bill’s sponsor pulled it: she was turning quickly into a very unpopular person.

The public saw it as a “pet tax.” Pet owners would have had to pay fees of $8.50 to $25 per pet, with a fine of $100 per pet if they failed to register. The sponsor said it wasn’t intended to be a tax, but rather to ensure that pets would have a previously designated “caregiver” if something happened to the owner.

The scientific term for this is booshwa.

Anyway, she took the bill off the table. Opponents are still collecting signatures, just in case.

Gee, if you had an aquarium full of guppies, that could run you some serious bucks.

Government is always looking to expand; they just can’t help it. To quote George Washington:

“Government is not reason, it is not eloquence–it is force! Like fire it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master; never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action.”

Thare Isnt Nothing ToOo Dum ‘Foar’ The Guvvermint!!

Flying can be 'hell' for tall passengers -

Ya-know, Jobydin he mussed “be” a Intrallectural,, he “is” So Smart!!!

Oncet agin “he” shoes us The whey!!! He is sooh Rihght!!! The airlynes thay Are maiking Peple “pay moar” for biger Seets but The Pressadint he seed riht Throough that!!! Yes, he seen waht “thay was” Upto!!

It was Racism!!!!!!!! This heer it “is” Wye hoamliss peeple thay doughnt fly in the aiyr. It “is” becose The Ayr Lynes thay Are Racist!!!!!

And sumb boddy thay sayed Yeahbut, yeahbut, “thay “Are” ownlie Tawlking abuot jist Threee (#3@( moar Intches!!! Its fitin oavur 3 (Threee) Intches!” Waht a Hater! So we beeted himb Up and toartched his Car!!

We has lurnt In Collidge that thare isnt Nothing tooo smawl or Too stopid or tooo insignifferkint for The Guvvermint “to” Do!!!!! I mean, for The Guvvermint to maik The Peple do!!! This heer Is haow we has Progrisst!!!! The Peple got “to” Get uset To obayin The Guvverment.

Neckst in Nothing Studdies: Wye Big Teck and the Guvvermint and the FBI and Evryboddy elset shood awght To smash yiu wenevver “yiu” Say sombthing thats Wraowng!!!

City Drops ‘Difficult Citizens’ List

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Some citizens really are “difficult,” though…

The Palm Coast, Florida, City Council has voted unanimously to do away with a secret list of “difficult citizens,” just a few days after the public learned of its existence (

All four council members said they didn’t know about the list, and blamed the previous administration for it. But its purpose, said officials, was “to protect city workers” from citizens who might harass them or even attack them.

If your name wound up on the list, you weren’t informed and there was no way you could get it removed.

Okay–tell me the police in lots of towns and small cities don’t have a list of “Oh, him!” and “Oh, her!” If it isn’t written down, it’s in the cops’ minds–it would have to be.

We wonder about those unspecified “city workers,” though. Are they the ones who hassle you if you have a Trump sign on your lawn? The ones who decide your house needs to be painted a different color? Little tinpot tyrants who throw their weight around. Yeah, some normal people are bound to lose their tempers.

Those questions haven’t been answered. They found out about the list and got rid of it, end of story.

But the cops probably know who the real trouble-makers are.

Feds Want to Know if You’re Depressed

The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force has recommended mandatory screening for depression for all Americans ( ).

All 300-plus million of us? Of course. Private insurance companies can be forced to pay for it. Pretty soon, no more private insurance companies.

Mandatory? Well, now, really–what’s the point of being in the government, if you can’t make your little crotchets mandatory for everyone?

And if they find out you’re depressed, why, there’s no telling what they’ll do to you! They will be limited only by the extent of their wicked imaginations.

You see what kind of people have your country’s fate in their hands.

Pray, repent, pray, repent: it may be God will hear, and heal our land. And we won’t have people like this running the show anymore.