What to Do While You’re Stuck

(From Andrea Schwartz’s Facebook page)

Image may contain: possible text that says 'While in quarantine, Shakespeare wrote King Lear. While in quarantine, Isaac Newton developed calculus and discovered gravity. While under house arrest, Paul wrote part of New Testament. While in prison, John Bunyan wrote Pilgrim's Progress. Consider what kingdom work you could do while staying home.'

To this list we must add Sir Thomas Malory, who, while in prison, wrote the Morte D’Arthur–the first book printed in the English language, and still in print today.

Just because you’re stuck at home and can’t go to a ballgame doesn’t mean you’re stuck doing nothing. You don’t have to write a new book of the Bible; but now you have time to read it. And talk about it with your family.

We can use this time constructively, if we put our minds to it.