Oregon Garbage Schools to Fly Racist BLM ‘Flag’

Agkistrodon contortrix - Wikipedia

A copperhead–less poisonous than Oregon liberals

Is it any wonder five counties want to secede from Oregon and join Idaho? (https://www.nytimes.com/2021/05/21/us/oregon-idaho-secession.html)

Dig that Gresham-Barlow school board! Not content with having the kiddies recite the “Black National Anthem” in class, now they’re going to require each and every classroom teacher to display the so-called flag, or a poster, of arch-racist “Black Lives Matter.” Oh, and also a “progressive pride flag,” whatever the hell that is (https://www.dailywire.com/news/watch-oregon-school-board-may-require-classrooms-to-fly-blm-pride-flags).

And anyone who has any criticism of this move, a board member said at their last meeting, is “pushing white supremacy.”

I haven’t seen any pictures of these morons, but I’ll bet dollars to doughnuts almost all of them are well-to-do white liberals–the Far Left’s most useful useful idiots. You can always count on them to come out marching for whatever garbage the Left spits up that day.

So in all likelihood, this board of nincompoops reflects the sentiments of the nincompoops who elected them.

God knows what our country would look like if they had their way.

Jesu defend us.