A New Way for Race-Hustling Idiots to be Offended

When it comes to finding trace amounts of imaginary racism to complain about,Pittsburgh is the place you want to be.

For the past 12 years–count ’em, twelve–city buses have carried the slogan, “Ziggin’ and Zaggin’.” Now persons with a gargantuan sense of entitlement are demanding that the slogans be removed because those words, spelled backwards (!), turn out to be racial slurs ( http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2015/06/proof_that_some_people_can_be_offended_by_anything.html ). Somehow no one noticed that twelve years ago.

Update: Catering to the complaints of dunderheads, Pittsburgh has ordered the read-’em-backwards-to-be-offended slogans to be removed from buses ( http://caveviews.blogs.com/cave_news/2015/06/slogan-ziggin-and-zaggin-removed-from-busses-in-pittsburgh.html ). Chalk up another win for Team Stupid.

Have you noticed that “Obama” spelled backwards almost makes “Ameba”? You’ve only got to change some letters, or else just say it real fast. Who can Al Sharpton sue for this? Who has to apologize?

Next they’ll be offended by anagrams. For instance, “this” can be arranged to spell out a vulgar synonym for doo-doo. And we’ll have to start calling ginger ale something else, too, to avoid racist overtones.

Stupidity is just like sin: it carries its own punishment.