Are We All ‘Haters’ Now?

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You can’t tell the nooze media from the far-out leftid activists anymore. There’s no difference.

So: the left-wing fascist group, the Southern Poverty Law Center, publishes a “hate map” classifying all conservative or pro-family groups as “hate groups,” and CNN, the commie nooze network, obligingly publishes it (–targeting-wellknown-christian-groups-n2370342).

Everyone who’s not them is against them, is the enemy, must be put down. I shudder to think of the CNN audience lapping this up. “Hey, waddya know? Focus on the Family, the Family Research Council, Alliance Defending Freedom, Liberty Counsel–they’re all hate groups! Wow! Good thing we have George Soros to protect us!”

This is to intimidate us. That’s what the whole extravaganza–the riots, tearing down Confederate monuments, branding every little whimper of opposition “racist,” trying to destroy Donald Trump’s presidency–is about. They are demonstrating dominance. They are showing us who’s boss. They are letting us miserable little deplorables know that no matter whom we elect as president, they run the country and we had better just shut up and obey. Crikey, anyone who studies animal behavior can see what this is: a dominance display.

We are letting ourselves be dominated.

And the question that must be asked is, “Why?”