A Bit of My Childhood Restored

Image result for images of swan lake painting by muller kurzwelly

Many months ago I posted a little essay about this picture–Swan Lake, by Muller-Kurzwelly–that used to hang in our living room when I was a boy, and how I loved to look at it and imagine myself going to that place.

A very nice reader and her mother stumbled over my blog piece and realized they had that very picture in storage, and decided they wished me to have it.

The picture arrived this morning and now hangs on our living room wall.

Thank you, Chrissy, thank you, Dot, for giving me something that I never thought I’d see again.

Gotta Blog This!

Permit me this small self-indulgence.

A reproduction of this painting–Swan Lake, by Konrad Muller-Kurzwelly, a 19th century German landscape artist–used to hang in my family’s living room for as long as I can remember. And I loved it! I loved to look at it and imagine myself going into the painting, I guess to feed the swans. It always gave me a deep sense of peace.

I’m posting it here in case I should never find it again.