Al Gore’s Religious Snake Oil

Image result for images of phony al gore

Don’t you love it when liberals who defend abortion and crusade for homosexual parodies of marriage suddenly start telling you how to be a Christian?

And don’t you wish Democrats who fail in their bids for the White House would just dry up and blow away?

Thanks to reader “Unknowable” for tipping us off to this latest Third Commandment violation by former presidential also-ran Al Bore. I mean Gore: sorry for the typo, but it’s too true to delete.

Hyping the release of his new Global Warming scare-fest movie, zillionaire Al says he speaks for God when he demands we turn our civilization inside-out to fight that devil, Climbit Change ( We have, he says, “a moral imperative” to do what he says… incidentally making him even richer.

(*Sigh* I was so happy writing about yellow cardinals. Why don’t these people just shut up?)

I don’t believe it’s possible anymore for a leftid to speak God’s name without taking it in vain. I am reminded of Bill Clinton lugging around that big old Bible in between trysts with Monica Lewinsky in the Oral Office. Oops, should be Oval Office. Just can’t seem to type today.

This is the same false prophet and B.S. merchant Gore who predicted that New York would be like Daytona Beach by 2015. How many predictions does he have to get wrong before we laugh him off the stage? This is a guy who looks into a mirror when he prays.

And this is what a sinful people gets by way of leadership. It’s God’s way of telling us we’d better clean up our act.