On Trusting God

2016 looks like it could be a pretty hard year. The wicked tower over us, and they think their time has come: they will separate God’s people from Him, once and for all, and engineer the demise of Christianity. They will hold on to all the power they’ve accumulated for themselves, and do everything they can to get more.

Looking at the state of this fallen world today, the thought comes creeping in, “Are we crazy? Don’t we see what’s being done? How are we to trust in God?”

Because, if we trust in God, and we’re wrong, then we lose everything. Absolutely everything.

But there’s a catch. By not trusting in God, we can’t hold on to anything. Not even our souls.

But if we’re right to trust in God, if we’re right–

Well, then we gain everything. Everything. Eternal life. A place in Christ’s kingdom, and a share in His glory. A mansion in His Father’s house. Blessings without number. No matter what we’ve suffered, no matter what has been taken away from us, we gain. And what we gain will be infinitely greater than our loss.

Faith is very much an all-or-nothing proposition. There is no safe middle ground, no way to put just some trust in God and reserve the rest. Playing it safe will get us nothing.

They tower over us, and we are like grasshoppers in their sight.

But as Caleb said, when the other spies reported on the unconquerable might of pagan Canaan, inhabited by giants, “Let us go up at once, and possess it, for we are well able to overcome it” (Numbers 13:30)

Trust in the Lord. Pray harder. Sing louder.

And remember what happened to Goliath.