Her Lifelong Dream Was… to be Blind

Here’s old Blind Pew from Treasure Island. Do you think he had to ask a psychologist to do this to him?

What do you think of this? “A North Carolina woman says she is happier than ever after fulfilling her lifelong wish of becoming blind.” ( http://fox4kc.com/2015/10/01/woman-desperate-to-be-blind-had-drain-cleaner-poured-in-eyes-now-happier-than-ever/ )

How did she fulfill her wish?

She hooked up with “a psychologist” in 2006–a man without even a vestige of integrity or common decency– who was willing to “help” her by first numbing her eyes and then dripping drain-cleaner into her eyes.

And it’s all A-OK, see, all tickety-boo, and it’s not crazy and it’s not perverted–because, you see, this blind-on-purpose woman has (trumpet fanfare, please) Body Integrity Identity Disorder.

“I really feel this is the way I was supposed to be born,” she says.

By cracky, they can make up a name for just about anything, these days. She ain’t crazy, she ain’t mad, she ain’t wacko, she ain’t bad–why, she just has a Disorder. There’s no more sin; there’s only this or that Disorder. (See also http://leeduigon.com/2015/06/23/an-all-new-perversion-become-disabled-on-purpose/ , for other loopy characters who want their perfectly healthy limbs amputated.)

I wonder when some judge will order the rest of us to celebrate this lifestyle and take an active part in it.