The Ideology of Envy

Image result for images of hillary rolling in money

Say hey, remember this? Candidate Obama to Joe the Plumber: “I do think, at a certain point, you’ve made enough money.” (

Note the operative word is “you,” as in “you, not me.” If you are Obama, or Clinton, or Pelosi, or Kerry, or Gore, you never, never, never reach that point where you’ve made “enough money” and the government might as well just scarf up every cent you make beyond that.

And leftids buy it. Do they ever. How many times have you heard one of them complain that no one should be “allowed” to make more than a certain amount of money? And yet that never, never, never applies to Democrat politicians who get half a million bucks just for showing up to make a ten-minute speech, pouting, whining football players, air-headed movie stars, or “rap artistes.” Leftids never complain about their masters earning virtually infinite amounts of money. If you are Donald Trump, you have “too much money.” If you’re Hillary Clinton, who’s counting?

God help us, millions of us vote for these people.

They’re always yammering about Income Inequality, but I have yet to hear them propose a scheme to make my income equal to John Kerry’s, or to damp down his income until it’s equal to mine.

But then who really thinks they mean a single word they say?