Biggest Dinosaur Yet?

Image result for images of biggest dinosaur yet

Jesus defend us, the news is just so bad this morning, I can’t  bring myself to write about it. Come, Lord Jesus, come! You can’t get here too soon.

Meanwhile, scientists in Western Australia have discovered what looks like the biggest dinosaur footprint ever found ( ). Unfortunately, it’s almost axiomatic in paleontology that wherever you find a lot of footprints, you never find bones: so whatever anyone wants to say about these Australian dinosaurs, it’s all based on just the footprints. Which is better than nothing.

These great big prints were made by sauropods, more famously known as “brontosaurs,” and the biggest of the prints is almost as big as a grown man. The prints match up with the kind of prints made by the kind of feet that sauropods, going by their skeletons, are known to have had.

Scientists are also excited that they’ve found stegosaur prints in the area, the first ever found in Australia.

I remember when all the dinosaurs we knew about came from Western North America, the fringes of Western Europe, and the Gobi Desert. Nothing known from Africa, South America, Australia, Eastern Europe, etc. Now we’re finding dinosaurs everywhere we look. It’s hard to keep up with the discoveries!

Should not these discoveries inspire us with awe for God and the vastness, the majesty, and the infinite complexity of His created natural order? The more of it we learn about, the more we find we’ve yet to learn. We will never reach the limits of it!

In which we see the wisdom of God, in making it so much bigger even than our imaginations…

2 comments on “Biggest Dinosaur Yet?

  1. It seems that archaeology and paleontology are giving up more and more of their secrets, of late. The fact is, we don’t know much at all about prehistory, that’s why it’s called prehistory, but things like this massive sauropod give us some tantalizing clues. I’m certain that we have seen only the tiniest glimmer of what our Creator has in store.

    Nonetheless, when I saw that huge sauropod, I couldn’t help but think about Fred Flintstone eating Bronto Burgers. 🙂

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