Free Collidge credit Four Protest!!

Image result for images of angry women protesters

Hear it is mor prooof that No “mater” waht a wimmin she says, it “is” true!!

The boss commassar of “our” Stodent Soviet she “had” A Grate Idear last nihght and this Collidge we are goingto Do It!!!

Thare’s this ghuy named Mavvarick or somthing like that and wite supremes thay are trying to Putt him on the Supremassist Court and this grate idear “it” Is to give alll stodents **Free Ackadermic Creddit** !! four iff thay Protest Him!! And the Commassar she thawt It wood be Evin Bettter if thay gived Free Ackadermic Creddit like when-evver yiu Protest “any Thing”!!! Al yiu got To “do is”” Protest enuohgh and yiu “are” haffweiy to getting yore Deegree!!!

And this it is Brillyint, yiu get a Deegree in Any sujbect yiu whant!!! I knowe one ghuy he is in my Gender Studdies 666 class he is goingto Protest a hole lot and get “a” Deegree in Enginearing!!!! Then he can make “lots of Munny” bilding Brijjes!! It dont mater if All the Creddits yiu got thay are only from Protesting,, yiu can stil get a Deegree to be a Dockter or a Climbit scyantits or watevver!! If yiu “are a” Socile Jutstus Wirer yiu are Smart enuohgh to do Any thing Any how!!

This it is furrther Prooof that Combunism it reely whirks!!!!!!

4 comments on “Free Collidge credit Four Protest!!

  1. Joe’s Roommate: I’ve heard those gender Studdies 666 classes are all the rage these days. They begin each class with the Rolling Stones song “Sympathy for the Devil” and then pledge allegiance to Saul Alinsky. Who needs to go to class when a devout Christian Catholic maybe confirmed to the Supreme Court – this is all out war and we need to be in the streets holding signs paid for by George Soros & Hillary Clinton to stop this madness. Hey, the Supreme Court is how we get our agenda passed no matter what the U.S. Constitution says.

  2. I just shudder at the thought of bridges built by engineers whom obtained credit for protesting.

    I’ve got it! I’m going to protest poorly designed bridges and get my own engineering degree. 🙂

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