Cats Frolicking in Snow

Ah! Watching this made me want to frolic in the snow, provided we ever get any around here. Make some snowballs, go into my 100% Accurate Imitation Luis Tiant Wind-up, and see if I can strike the black walnut tree that throws nuts at me in the fall.

Cats and snow and joie de vivre

4 comments on “Cats Frolicking in Snow

  1. Sure looks like fun. One of the black cats looks just like one that came and moved in here. He is just as playful, too.

  2. I have to admire whomever built that snow fort for their cats. But then again, any kindness extended towards a cat is usually effort well spent.

  3. Cats playing in the snow – what a great way to begin the day. Those two cats wrestling reminded me of one year younger brother and I and how much we loved to wrestle (I always won until we grew older and he was the better athlete). My house bunnies never cared much for the snow.

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