San Francisco’s New Monstrosity

Andres Petreselli paints a mural on the side of a building depicting Swedish teen climate activist Greta Thunberg, Friday, Nov. 8, 2019, in San Francisco.

The city’s sidewalks are heaped with human feces, rats are running free, homeless people everywhere you look–

And what San Francisco really needs is a 60-by-30-foot mural of an angry Swedish teenager, elevated to the status of a universal scold who demands that the world’s governments TAKE ACTION to stop catastrophic Climate Change before it kills us all–in just twelve years or so (

What a privilege it is, to live in an era when the whole world can be fishwifed by some kid. Sixty feet high, this portrait is. Once upon a time we didn’t do such things in America. They were only done in the Soviet Union and Red China. Far Left Crazy has moved to San Francisco.

They just won’t drop the ball on this, will they? Climate Change! Global Warming! Only an all-powerful global government can save us!

What bunk.

And so Greta glowers down on us from the side of a tall building, her “How dare you?” challenge ringing down the endless corridors of political inanity.

And anybody who doesn’t like it is a “hater.” And “anti-science.” Because we ignore the demands of such prominent Climate Scientists as Mickey Mouse and Harry Potter–yes, those names were on the Declaration of Climate Emergency.

I can hardly wait to vote for Donald Trump again.


6 comments on “San Francisco’s New Monstrosity

    1. The hypocrisy is monumental. You could build pyramids out of it.
      Do the big-shot Climate Change bosses act like they believe a single word of what they’re selling us?
      Greta is merely a tool.
      She’s gonna have some sour puss on her when she grows up–if she ever does. She might grow up to be a female Caligula.

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