Prayer Request (I Need It Now): Me

My festive day has been marred by heavy bleeding. I would rather not give the details.

Anyway, I need the Lord’s help, I need His healing, and I need it now. Please pray for me.

God grant I’m better by the end of the day. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

22 comments on “Prayer Request (I Need It Now): Me

  1. Dear Lord, good Physician, please come to Lee’s aid and heal him now. In Jesus’ name, amen.

    I’ll continue to pray throughout the afternoon, Lee. God willing, you’ll be healed in time to have that Chinese takeout for dinner. Please keep us updated.

  2. Oh, dear, I will be praying until hear you are OK. Father, in the healing name of Yeshua, we pray for a touch from you in whatever area he needs healing. We hold this need before you and fully trust that you will be gracious and do whatever needs to be done.
    Please update as you are able.

  3. Dear God!!! I will pray ferverently and unceasingly. Promise me you’re doing everything medically possible to heal yourself as well. If there is somewhere I can focus on, please let me know so I can pray to it.

    1. It’s Saturday and the doctor isn’t in, and I dare not go to the emergency room and pick up some coronavirus while I’m there.
      All I can think to do is keep praying… and changing my clothes.

  4. Oh my goodness, Lee, I hope you are ok! Praying fervently with everyone here that the bleeding stops and you are feeling better. May He also be with you in spirit as you endure the fear of not knowing, and the uncertainty of waiting. Lord, please place your healing hands on our dear friend, Lee, and watch over him. Amen.

    1. Thanks, Allison, thanks to everybody: I’m OK this morning. The experience put kind of a dent in my birthday celebration, though.

    2. I can imagine! I would have been really scared, but I understand not wanting to go to the ER right now. So glad you’re better.

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