NPR Race-Obsesses Over… Emojis

These are the world's top 5 most popular emojis - NBC2 News

National Public Radio, funded by the defenseless American taxpayer because Congress doesn’t have the decency to cut off the money, is now race-obsessing over… yes, we said emojis (

NPR last week “reported” (a verb that makes you laugh) that “some academics” (oh, boy) find that the default yellow emojis are some kind of secret code for “white privilege,” blah-blah. [For most white people, the only “privilege” they have is being blamed for everything and expected to pay for everything.] I wonder who “some academics” are.

Emojis are little cartoons, you idiots. They liven up the text. They are not a plot to bring back slavery.

Honk if you think race-obsessing white liberals are mentally ill and need to be confined somewhere.

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