Wicked and Insane

The posters were reportedly part of an assignment to create a "safe space" for all students to "feel good and accepted," but commenters did not view the posters in a positive light.

Your school tax dollars at work!

Folks, we’d all better wake up and get busy, or we really are going to lose our country. God’s judgment is going to come down on us.

For instance:

A New Jersey mother who is also a member of her local school board (!) visited her child’s elementary school recently and was shocked to find the classroom decorated with posters “celebrating” every brand and permutation of aberrant sex you can think of. They had the kiddies, 7-year-olds, make these posters. The woman was shocked enough to write it up in a Facebook post.

Oops! A lieutenant colonel at a nearby military base happened to see the post, decided it was some kind of “safety concern”–these people are not all there–and sicced the police on her! (https://nypost.com/2022/12/08/lt-col-christopher-schilling-called-to-resign-after-responding-to-angela-reading-facebook-post/)

The Air Force? The police? Because a school board member had the temerity to question what was going on in a school which her school board is supposed to be in charge of? God defend us! Did we wake up in Russia this morning?

We are up against people who are exceedingly powerful, wealthy beyond our power to imagine, totally unrestrained by laws of God or man, and who are hammering our whole civilization, our whole human species, with insane and wicked policies which can only lead to destruction and death.

But if we stand with God, then He will stand with us.

Yes, we’re “little people”! Yes, we do not have power and wealth. It doesn’t matter. We must do whatever we can to oppose this madness. No matter how little and ineffective it appears to be, we must ALL do what we can.

Suggestion: Pull all the kids out of all the public schools and watch the Far Left Crazy teachers’ unions, and their political sponsors, shrivel up and die.

7 comments on “Wicked and Insane

  1. Well, I don’t know how much longer Almighty God is going to put up with this, but when HE is through, look out.

  2. Russia allows for a lot of Christian freedom. My former pastor has been founding churches in the Moscow area and even has begun a television cable channel. Homosexuality is not illegal in Russia but is frowned upon, and there is no trans-genderism movement there. It is in China you have no religious freedom.

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