‘Jesus Said, “It Is Not For You to Know”‘ (2016)

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One sure-fire way to identify false prophets: their prophecies don’t come true. Like the “lady” who got her name in the news by prophesying that New York City was going to be nuked to stop that night’s presidential debate.

Jesus Said, ‘It Is Not for You to Know’

Remember Y2K? “Sell everything you own, convert it into cash, and hide in the deepest mine-shaft you can find!” Uh, what were you going to buy with your cash, after the world ended? Someone didn’t think this through.

Some of the people in Jesus’ time thought He was all about “restoring the kingdom to Israel,” and they wanted God’s timetable. God does not give out that information, Jesus taught us. Unambiguously. God does not experience time as we experience it. He is not subject to it.

Which makes it very hard for us, prisoners of time, to second-guess Him.