Global Warming Wacko: ‘Terminate Industrial Civilization’

This is from October of last year, but I only stumbled over it today–an academic interlectural saying we can Save the Planet by destroying its economy and risking the likely extinction of the human race ( ).

Atheist wack-job Gary McPherson, a doodler at the University of Arizona, appeared on New Zealand television to proclaim that we can stop Climate Change if we “terminate industrial civilization.” He admits that this will utterly wreck the whole world’s economy and could result in the rapid die-off of humanity. But hey, he argues–we’re gonna go extinct eventually, anyhow, so why not do it now? The planet will then be saved by having no people on it.

McPherson represents the extreme misanthrope wing of the Global Warming gang, which also consists of self-proclaimed gods, liberal control freaks, and progressive politicians who live like maharajas but would like the rest of us to scale it way, way back.

What are we to make of those out there in the world who actually believe what these people say? Who can begin to account for such credulity?