Colleges Seek to Root Out ‘Toxic Masculinity’

Image result for man getting yelled at by women

Shout it from the housetops: AMERICA’S COLLEGES SUCK!!! In fact, they worse than suck: they are poison to us.

As if they didn’t already have enough to do, “deconstructing whiteness” and trying to convince their already addled students that the only Original Sin is to be born white and there’s nothing you can do about it except to be miserable all the time, now they’re coming after “masculinity” ( ). God help you if you’re a white male! Oops–most of these people don’t believe in God.

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Duke University, and others are on a roll against “unhealthy masculinity,” which, they say, causes “acts of domestic terrorism”–gee, I coulda sworn it was radical Islam that motivated that: what was that “Allahu akbar” business all about?–and frequently manifests itself in… sports. Yes, you read that right. Sports.

Hey, maybe they can get college football abolished! Then they’d be short of money to pay for jihads against masculinity.

My editor wondered how they can get male students to take these “workshops” and self-criticism sessions. Well, at Gettysburg College, it’s a mandatory part of freshman orientation: they force you to watch a film that proclaims the three most harmful words in the language are, “be a man.” For public school graduates, “mandatory” means they make you do it.

What with all the safe spaces and Play-Doh and transgender bathrooms, where do they even find any masculinity on any college campus? At one of those universities the only masculine individual they could find was a lesbian who said “Call me Spike.”

Liberals have a real problem with “Male and female created He them,” especially with the male part. They don’t want there to be any males. Especially white ones.

Parents who love and respect their sons and daughters, and who are not mentally ill, do not send them to today’s colleges and universities.

But hey–if you’re a liberal, what’s $100,000 worth of student debt, and a heritage of towering stupidity? A small price to pay for a fundamental transformation of no-good stinkin’ America!