Have the Space Aliens All Died Out?

Here are some space aliens! Hey, it’s all about knowing where to look…

Is science even science anymore?

Take, for instance, this “scientific study” from Australian National University, as reported in some of our major newspapers: the one that says we haven’t been able to discover any extraterrestrial life because it’s all died out already ( http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/nationworld/ct-hunt-for-extraterrestrial-life-20160123-story.html ).

Now, step one of the Scientific Method is to observe nature. In this case, all they’re observing is that they haven’t observed any ETs.

So, having observed nothing, scientists conclude that, dagnabit! They was out there, but we missed ’em!

Darwinist/humanist ideology, through its handmaiden, science fiction, insists that there be life scattered all throughout the universe. It goes on to practically demand that there be alien life that is much more intelligent than human beings. That doesn’t seem like something that would be terribly hard to achieve, these days. Consider the life found on our college campuses.

But this is Science at its ever-lovin’ best. We haven’t found any aliens, so obviously they must’ve gone extinct already. Probably before they ever got anywhere near inventing transgender rights or that stuff that creates a head of foam when you pour it into a flat drink. Like, dude, it’s hard to evolve!

Pardon me if I forget to tip my hat.