Another Dirty Ol’ Man

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Liberal nooze icon Charlie Rose is the latest big-shot to be accused of sexually harassing women: eight of them, count ’em, have come forward so far, according to another left-wing nooze giant, The Washington Post (

The reports say Rose, 75 years old and ought to know better, pestered the women with lewd phone calls, groping and pawing, and poncing around nude where they could see him. For a man who loves to pass himself off as Mr. Feminist, that’s gotta hurt.

Rose has apologized for his “inappropriate behavior.” And now hear this. As a result of this shambles, he says, “I have come to a profound new respect for women and their lives.” Crocodile tears!

It makes a great model for the next two or three dozen big libs who are unmasked as sexual predators. “Gee whiz, I can’t tell you how sorry I am for what I now realize wasn’t quite the ticket, behavior-wise. Like, really, I had no idea! But oh, boy, have I learned my lesson! Now I see, I really see, just how victimized women always are, and from now on, I’m in their corner all the way! Or will be, if the network only puts my show back on the air.”

They Admit They Lie–and Laugh About It

So you still don’t believe President *Batteries Not Included and his party are a bunch of big fat liars?

Three of Pinocchio’s former speechwriters appeared on Charlie Rose’s show recently (that’s PBS–cheat the public, whose tax dollars pay your way, and then laugh at them) and admitted that the “president” has knowingly lied to the American people about a lot of things: including his all-time famous lie, “If you like your health insurance plan, you can keep it” ( ).

Respected journalist Charlie Rose thinks it’s a hoot to get your policy proposals through by lying about them. Haw, haw. How about that nooze media?

This is why I come down so hard on cultural issues. The poison that they brew in the universities seeps out into the wider culture and poisons everything. The whole idea that lying is acceptable because there’s no such thing as truth anyhow–they cooked that up in colleges, and now it’s in our public business.