CNN Demonstrates How to Be a Pot-Head

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One of the tiresome aspects of my youth was that most of my friends became pot-heads. It made their conversation very tedious to listen to, and gave me a closer acquaintance with pot-smokers than I ever wanted.

And now we’ve had a CNN “reporter,” as part of the nooze network’s New Year’s Eve show, demonstrating how to use a bong.(    If you don’t know what a bong is, lucky you. It’s a device for smoking pot, leading to a steady flow of idiotic statements delivered in either a portentous, oracular tone or else with lots of giggling.

Has “journalism” truly come to this? Yeah, it has.

A nation of pot-heads would be pretty easy to rule. Our leaders can do anything they want, and a perpetually stoned public will never notice. Believe me, I know pot-heads.

At least it will be totally compatible with a modern college education.