‘Journalists’ Fall for Another Hoax

See the source image

Not exactly a “news anchor,” but he’ll do

Speaking of noozies totally falling for hoaxes and rushing to “report” false information as “news”…

Last week The New York Times, Washington Post, and Bloomberg News all shouted from the housetops the “news” that a new “study” had revealed massive discrimination against women in the high-tech industry (https://www.breitbart.com/tech/2019/02/18/journalists-fall-for-completely-fake-stats-about-sexism-in-tech/). According to the hoax, when women applied for tech jobs without revealing their sex, 54% of them were offered interviews; but when they did reveal that they were women–thousands of ’em, by the way–only 5% were invited to an interview.

Oops. The source of this “study” is no longer available, no one can find its supposed authors, it wasn’t published anywhere–and it may not actually exist in any form at all!

That didn’t stop the noozies from leaping aboard the bandwagon and using each other as their sources. When I was a newspaperman, they used to call that “rewrite”: lift the story from another paper and change a few of the words.

Now they’ve got egg on their faces and are quietly whispering their mea culpas.

It never occurred to anyone in the noozerooms that the story was preposterous on its face. Like, only 5% of computer jockeys are women? You mean people who get paid real money for being reporters… believed that? Even for a minute?

Of course they did. It fits their “narrative” that America is a sexist hell-hole and needs to be ruled by liberals with Hillary Clinton in the White House. Only leftids can clean up this mess! So they ran with the story. Like they always do.

In writing the First Amendment, complete with its guarantee of freedom of the press, our country’s founders never anticipated that practically the whole freakin’ news industry would make itself worthless as a source of information. Live and learn.

Meanwhile, we can’t be confident that any of the nooze we hear is true.