Two Thoughts on the Latest School Shooting

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As terrible as they are, America’s school shootings pale to invisibility, compared to the violence done to people by their own governments throughout the 20th century (see above). Stalin, Mao, and Hitler were able to perpetrate these crimes because their people lacked the means of self-defense. In light of history, it’s never a good time to repeal the Second Amendment.

When my father was in school, and when I was in school, there were no incidents like this. If you had spoken to someone in 1959 about a “school shooting,” he would have said, “Huh?” He would not have known what you were talking about.

I heard an awful lot yesterday about this latest school shooting in Florida; but none of the commentators or noozies that I heard, no, not one, mentioned that such things inevitably happen when you destroy the moral foundation of society and debauch the nation’s character. Ordinary people do seem to understand that perfectly well, but they don’t have forums in the media.

Going back at least into the 1960s, The Smartest People in America have worked tirelessly to destroy Christian morality in America–and replace it with what? When you delete God from the equation, it doesn’t make sense anymore: you have cut off the source of morality. If I were to try to list all the absurd and dangerous things that have been done along those lines, I’d be here all day. But even that wouldn’t convince leftids and God-haters that their policies have been a cultural disaster.

Nevertheless, that’s what they are. Goya said the sleep of Reason breeds monsters. And surely the sleep of Faith and Decency breeds violence.

It would be good if we could re-awaken faith and decency. But I don’t think the Democrats will let us.