France: New Law ‘Defends the Science’

The History of the Guillotine

Will they be bringing back the guillotine? Gotta defend that Science!

See if you can understand this. I can’t.

*Western Europe (NATO) pours vast amounts of money into Ukraine to protect its freedom.

*At the same time, these same countries work overtime to shut down the freedom of their own citizens.

Hence a new law in France which makes it a crime, punishable by imprisonment, “to criticize the science” ( As one French opinionator put it, the new law “will not tolerate any criticism of the therapeutic treatments recommended or made obligatory by the state.” Because, after all, when you’re “defending the science,” whatever the Experts say trumps everybody else–especially when the Experts are wedded to the politicians.

[Note: Even the French can’t be wrong about everything. The new law also forbids sexual mutilation: your friendly tranny doctor could go to prison for lopping off children’s sexual organs. How this ever got past the Socialists astounds me.]

So… If you live in France and they come up with another Pandemic, and another so-called vaccine that seems to kill half the people who get it… Just zip your lip shut if you know what’s good for you!

And move. If you can find a place where they’re not trying to abolish freedom.