‘You Have No Business Going Out of Business!’

140+ Grocery Store Fight Stock Photos, Pictures & Royalty ...

I give up. Where do you find a picture that illustrates this lunacy?

What would you even call San Francisco, anymore?

Imagine trying to operate a grocery store where, in addition to massive shoplifting that goes massively unpunished by the authorities, you’ve got head-cases coming in and defecating on the floor, pulling produce off the shelves and throwing it at each other, plus the usual drug use, muggings, etc. And when you’ve finally had enough…they won’t let you close the store! They won’t let you go out of business!

They first tried to legislate this crapola in 1984; it was vetoed by then-mayor Dianne Feinstein (https://nypost.com/2024/04/08/business/san-francisco-lawmakers-want-to-let-city-residents-sue-grocery-stores/).

Well, it’s back. Two Far Left wackos on the city’s Board of Supervisors are pushing it. Oh, it’s not all bad! Rather than going out of business because it’s impossible to do business, they’ll let you subject yourself to “discussions” with (LOL) residents… as if it were ordinary sane people taking a dump in the cereal aisle. You gotta give six months’ notice while they steal everything but the shirt off your back.

But listen, really, they’re all heart! If your store should be destroyed in a fire or an earthquake or some other natural disaster, they’ll waive the six-month requirement. 

I was going to ask “How in the world do you even try to govern a city where these things happen?” until I realize it’s the idiots already governing the city who make these things happen.

If you’re goin’ to San Francisco… get your head examined.

‘How Crazy Is This Going to Get?’ (My Newswithviews Column, April 4)

770+ Propeller Hat Stock Photos, Pictures & Royalty-Free ...

“Rule No. 1–there are no rules!”

Our global governing class behaves as if its members were mentally ill.

Look at some of the stuff they’ve come up with just recently. They’ve got to be crazy–right? Please say “Right!”

How Crazy Is This Going to Get?

Let’s see… We’ve got Filthy Joe Biden desecrating Easter… Artificial pseudo-people “presenting the news” in Thailand… and a Canadian Supreme Court justice who wants to get rid of the word “woman” because it’s, er, “problematic.” Say “person with a vagina” instead.

Where’s the exit?

We could try living sane and godly lives, but where’s the fun in that? There are always some of us who want to be predators; and they see the rest of us as prey.

Save us, O Lord: in Jesus’ name, Amen.

France: New Law ‘Defends the Science’

The History of the Guillotine

Will they be bringing back the guillotine? Gotta defend that Science!

See if you can understand this. I can’t.

*Western Europe (NATO) pours vast amounts of money into Ukraine to protect its freedom.

*At the same time, these same countries work overtime to shut down the freedom of their own citizens.

Hence a new law in France which makes it a crime, punishable by imprisonment, “to criticize the science” (https://wmbriggs.substack.com/p/frances-confusing-new-law-criminalizing?). As one French opinionator put it, the new law “will not tolerate any criticism of the therapeutic treatments recommended or made obligatory by the state.” Because, after all, when you’re “defending the science,” whatever the Experts say trumps everybody else–especially when the Experts are wedded to the politicians.

[Note: Even the French can’t be wrong about everything. The new law also forbids sexual mutilation: your friendly tranny doctor could go to prison for lopping off children’s sexual organs. How this ever got past the Socialists astounds me.]

So… If you live in France and they come up with another Pandemic, and another so-called vaccine that seems to kill half the people who get it… Just zip your lip shut if you know what’s good for you!

And move. If you can find a place where they’re not trying to abolish freedom.

‘The World Happiness Council… No Joke’ (2018)

Vintage 1943 Is Everybody Happy? Movie Poster

World government is a Hollywood musical!

They were joking, right–the World Happiness Council? Created by kooks appointed by the U.N., organized in Dubai, on Saudi Arabia’s doorstep… what could possible go wrong?

The World Happiness Council… No Joke

Calloo, callay, oh frabjous day! World government’s gonna make everybody happy! After all, it was the official and bona fide World Goverment Summit. Also known as a gas-fest.

Please honk as soon as the government makes you happy.

Dems to Gullible Citizens: Open Your Homes to Illegals (My Newswithviews Column, Feb. 15)

1,073 Prison Tattoo Stock Photos, High-Res Pictures, and ...

Guess who’s coming to dinner!

[Note: Newswithviews provided its own headline for my essay, which has subtly changed its course. Oh, well…]

Damn, it looks like our sanctuary cities are running out of sanctuary–and there are still thousands of illegal aliens hopping our border every week. It’s like we have no border. I don’t know what to call a country that has no borders; but it sure as hell isn’t a country.

Dems to Gullible Citizens: Open your Homes to Illegals

But not to worry! When the government runs out of space for these, er, “migrants,” we can open up our homes to them and take them in!  They might be terrorists, drug pushers, sex offenders–but the U.S. government doesn’t care. Didn’t even ask.

Anyhow, the real point of this essay as I wrote it was that our civilization seems bent on suicide. The nooze is chock-full of insanely self-destructive policies… to say nothing of laws that are impossible to obey (“You must wear a mask, except when we forbid you to wear a mask!” Thanks for that one, Britain.)

Meanwhile… when did “illegal aliens” become “migrants”? Inquiring minds want to know.


Our Next (Gulp!)… ‘President’?

Elsa Kurt has an uncanny ability to imitate Kamala Harris.

[Thanks to Susan for the nooze tip.]

So the special counsel describes SloJo as an old man with a bad memory–he was being fantastically charitable–and now assorted Democrats are flirting with the idea of giving Joe the push at their party’s national convention.

Of course, then they’d have to replace him. With whom? Our country is endowed with a whole crowd of terrifyingly inadequate “leaders.” But it would be hard to find anyone more inadequate than SloJo’s vice president–Kamala Harris, the Queen of Word Salad.


HILARIOUS: White Woman Does Spot-On Impression of ‘Every Kamala Harris Speech’ (VIDEO)

As if to drive home the point that she is no more self-aware than a man who insists he’s Queen Victoria, Kamala has been gushing about how “ready” she is to succeed Dodderin’ Joe as president.

Elsa Kurt’s imitation is uncomfortably close to the real thing.

P.S.–Yes, mockery is a legitimate tool of political discourse. And we never needed it more than we need it now.


‘Dare to Be Nuts’ (2020)

jitka on Twitter: "this picture proves that the straight jacket napoleon  hat combo archetype is not something I imagined. it's real… "

Three years have gone by, and there are still positions in the government open to certifiable lunatics. And idiots, too!

Dare to Be Nuts

You think it can’t be done? Ha! Ask around Congress: you’ll think you’re lost in space! Some of these people would put their pants on backwards if you let them. And then there’s the administration itself!

Make sure you’ve got the papers to prove you’re crazy–and then get busy. These days there’s always room for another nut in government.

‘Minneapolis: “Defund Police” Isn’t Working’ (2020)

Minneapolis City Council Members Announce Intent To 'Dismantle' Police  Department : Live Updates: Protests For Racial Justice : NPR

Do you ever get the feeling that we’re being governed by babbling lunatics? That America, under their management, is like a gigantic chicken with its head cut off?

Minneapolis: ‘Defund Police’ Isn’t Working

Only a Democrat would even fantasize that defunding the police would make for nicer cities. Pursuing this towering slab of idiocy, their cities exploded with crime. Who would’ve thought it?

No kidding–we could actually destroy our civilization by allowing these jidrools to hold and exercise power. We could actually do it.

But please let’s not.

Down with Free Speech? Really?

New Zealand's extinct moa irreplaceable, research reveals ...

Moas are not the only things now extinct in New Zealand. Anybody seen common sense or basic sanity lately?

She may not be the prime minister of New Zealand anymore, but Jacinda Ardean has landed a cushy berth at Harvard, with opportunities to address the United Nations.

Which she did a few days ago, calling on the UN to limit or choke off free speech (https://jonathanturley.org/2023/09/20/harvards-jacinda-ardean-calls-on-the-united-nations-to-crack-down-on-free-speech-as-a-weapon-of-war/). “We cannot allow free speech to get in the way of fighting Climate Change,” she said.

I remember a time when no one but a kook would dare say he was against free speech. Even the most slobbering Democrat at least gave lip service to our most basic and least dispensable liberty.

But now they just don’t bother. Tyranny is cool. Look how great it works for China–that government has really got the power, baby!

And the beauty of it is, no government, once it’s made up its mind to curtail the people’s liberties, will ever run out of excuses to do it! If it’s not Climbit Chainge, it’s “Online Safety.”

Is New Zealand still part of what they used to call “the free world”?

Why is everybody laughing?

She Wants to Govern Your Town

Adults can throw temper tantrums and the pandemic made it worse | body+soul

All those “crazy psychiatrist” jokes turn out to be true…

I’ve never seen anything like this in my life.


Scroll to the video at the bottom of the article (in case I can’t find it on YouTube) and you will see a woman… with purple hair… going full-throttle batshit in Costco, screaming at another customer because he isn’t wearing a mask. And this is Utah, fer pete’s sake! Not California.

Two more startling items of information.

The woman is running for city council in her home town. Yessireebob, give her a seat on the government! Just what we need.


She is a licensed mental health counselor.

Words fail me.

[Sorry, couldn’t find it on YouTube, you’ll need to click the link.]

Update: Found it on YouTube, after all. Here it is.