Libs Hate Being Called ‘Groomers’

Gender Unicorn -

Just one of many “lessons” taught in the schools by groomers

Florida now has a law prohibiting school teachers from talking sex, sex, and more sex with children in grades K-3. There is, of course, no reason why any sane person would want to do that. But leftids think it’s an evil plot to inhibit children from becoming homosexual and trannies, so they call it “the Don’t Say Gay Law” and have their knickers in a twist over it.

But why would anyone want to “teach” young children about the endless varieties of aberrant sexual behavior? “Shut up!” they explained.

Lately the term “groomers” has been catching on. More and more people use it to suggest that these “lessons” are taught to prepare children to become the sexual playthings of older perverts: “grooming” them for it. The fact that the label’s catching on suggests that the public is catching on–and doesn’t like what it sees.

So libs and teachers’ unions have been going bonkers over it, frantically objecting to that label being applied to them (

Well, sunshine, you reap what you sow. If you don’t want to be called groomers, stop trying to immerse very young children in your twisted visions of sexuality. For that matter, don’t do it to older children, either.

See how long the grooming lessons last, if paying school tax ever becomes optional.