A Lesson from the Iowa Caucus

Good morning, boys and girls! Oops, sorry about that. I should have said Good morning, purple penguins. Gender-neutral language.

The Iowa caucuses are over and done, and I’m here to introduce you–those of you who are recent collidge grads, for instance–to a brand-new word: frivolous. It means not having any serious purpose or value. Feel free to use it yourselves.

You see, the race between the Democrats– Hillary Clinton, the most corrupt woman in the Western hemisphere, and joke candidate Bernie Sanders–was so close, they had to decide six precincts by… a coin toss! (  http://www.marketwatch.com/story/coin-toss-broke-6-clinton-sanders-deadlocks-in-iowa-and-hillary-won-each-time-2016-02-02 ) “Heads I win, tails America loses.” And wouldn’tcha know? Hillery won all six coin flips.

Bernie wants a recount.

The lesson here is that deciding the fate of a nation may be handled as a frivolous affair, lacking any serious purpose or value.

It would save us an awful lot of money, though, if instead of having elections to high national office, we could have a lottery instead.

Oh, but that would be frivolous!

Ya mean a coin toss isn’t?

I guess there’s only one more question our rulers need to ask themselves.

“Have we left undone anything at all that might destroy our country?”