‘When Truth Stumbles in the Street’ (Isaiah 59:14)

Isaiah | Art UK

The Prophet Isaiah

My friend and editor Susan this morning reminded me of a Bible verse that I didn’t recognize at first, because I’m used to the King James Version. Let me quote it from the KJV:

“And judgment is turned away backward and justice standeth afar off: for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter.” In some other translations, we read “truth has stumbled in the street.”

If that doesn’t describe the trying and distressing time we’re living in today, I don’t know what does.

But we are called to be God’s servants, soldiers of the cross who follow Christ our king; and this we must do, in every way we can.

Sometimes it seems we can’t do much, if anything at all. Who are we, ordinary men and women, to oppose a vast, ungodly power structure?

We are servants of the Living God; that’s who. Like those who followed Joshua, and David, and the apostles. We have the shield of faith and the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God (Ephesians 6:17). And we have God’s promise that Christ shall reign in Heaven and on earth.

God will not let truth lie fallen in the street and be trampled by the wicked. He will raise it up.

Pray for guidance, pray for courage, and for whatever else we need to follow Jesus.