Now the Colleges Hate White Women, Too

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Do we have to shout it from the housetops? “College” has become toxic, an active virus infecting our society, and it must have no more of public funds. Cut it back! Cut it way, way back!

Having amassed a great reservoir of hatred and contempt for white men who are not homosexuals, “higher education” is now spewing its vitriol at white women.

Profs and other idiots are flocking to a symposium in Toronto to hear a paper by a… student… entitled, “Love in the Time of Beckyism: On Willfulness and Wokeness–” what? wokeness?–“in Teacher Education” (

What the devil is “Beckyism”? Well, “Becky” is a new term coined by, ahem, educators to show their disdain for young white women–same thing as calling a black person “Sambo.”

Let me quote at length from the symposium’s organizers.

“In the tradition of speculative fiction, parable, and counterstorytelling [?] within critical race theory [?], this session aims to problematize [?] the characterization of ‘Becky,’ a term specific to white women who engage in whiteness [?], often in gendered ways [?]… This characterization is relevant to education by critically examining who is Becky and how she is characterized, her positionality [?] in education, and how the hope for diversity, inclusion, equity, and racial justice [?] within the P-20 educational pipeline [whatever that is] is impacted by Becky” (who, we are told, “enacts oppression”)…”

Is this even English? Is this how sane people talk?

More: “Explorations of Becky and implications of educational practice from a variety of perspectives and contexts will illuminate the dynamics of power, privilege, and oppression tied to the gendered and raced mechanisms of whiteness [?] enacted by Becky.”

Can you feel the love?

And, “This paper establishes how white women are not seeking to disinvest from whiteness,” blah-blah-blah. Gonna need two Drivel Bingo cards for this one.

This is being done on your dime, America. These are your colleges and universities, that you pay for, expressing the most profound contempt for you and everything you value–and teaching your children to do the same.

That’s your tuition money, and your taxes. Those are your daughters, whom they despise as “Becky.” It really ought to make you mad.

It is a sin to raise up strife among people who would otherwise be at peace with one another. But this is what our colleges are doing–every day, everywhere. A self-respecting people would put a stop to it.

Now. Stop it now.